


Edition of 20

Sometimes, a cowboy’s job is all about patience. In Trailin’, you see a man on horseback, rope in hand, not in a rush, but ready—always ready. He’s following three calves, keeping a steady pace and watchful eye. He knows better than to push ‘em too hard. Whether they’re headed to the pen or just being moved to greener pasture, there’s a rhythm to this kind of work.

It’s not all dust and big action—there’s a calm to moments like this. The rope hangs loose, but you know it could be thrown in an instant. The horse, sure-footed and steady, feels it too. There’s trust here, between man, horse, and the herd—each one doing their part to get the job done.

For me, this piece is about the beauty in the quiet work of ranch life—the steady moments before the rope flies and the job gets finished. It’s a reminder that good cowboys know when to move fast and when to just trail along.